Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blue in Green

When the green particles blend in with blue
When my brain builds a bridge between my city of sadness , and the town of joy
When my hand covers my heart to feel my strong & slow pulses
When I peel an orange
I feel the sorrow cruising through my throat
I travel through my spirit , to another world
A world of white dots , in the middle of a big black wall
The journey lasts for seconds
Before I go back to my silent room
I throw myself on the floor
To see the world in a vertical view
I draw to myself a fake white lane
Which takes me to a new state
A state of "Careless Consideration"
A state where you can't think , feel , or see
A state where you can only breath
Breath Life and pure hope.

written on the 10th of may , 2007 , at 11:19 am